We are a Y3-4 class who share our learning by being confident, creative, collaborative, respectful, responsible and resilient. Email: htipelu@newwindsor.school.nz
Monday, November 1, 2021
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Will they float?
After reading this book together as a class. Rish was very curious about items in his own house. He carried out a science experiment to see if items in his house would float or not. Rishi was able to find objects, make predictions and then record his findings. Kai Pai Rishi for doing a great experiment.
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Great start to term 4
It was a great start to term 4. Distance learning continues and all the children embraced it so well. There were so many smiles from the children as they saw their friends again. This term we are focusing on being responsible and looking at what it means. The children have been learning about symmetry noticing how things around their house have a line of symmetry. They are also learning how to find a pathway by taking it step by step. It certainly has been a busy start to the week with loads of learning opportunities for them to engage their curious minds. Check out some of the cool learning that has taken place in the first week.
Saturday, October 2, 2021
End of Term 3:
WOW! We made it through 7 weeks of lockdown and online learning. It certainly came with many challenges of ups and down, but we also had a lot of fun with our learning online. The children's favourite activities were having pet day and shred lunches on zoom. They enjoyed dress up days, scavenger hunts and riddle and joke time.
I am super proud of the children in room 7 and how well they showed resilience and persevered with an awesome work ethic. They showed up to zoom and were willing to learn, and enjoyed seeing their classmates and friends. Our last few zooms lessons we were lucky enough to have our home learning packs and we enjoyed reading together and playing card games.
It certainly was a stange term and I am looking forward to the time when room 7 can all be back together in the class.
Take care everyone and enjoy the holidays.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Reflective lockdown and Fun learning.
The children in room 7 were given the task to do reflection on lockdown and the things they miss. Across the board children like most of us all missed seeing their friends and family.I think if you ask everyone it will be the same answer.
The children have also really enjoyed using the distance learning packs. They do independent activities and it is so nice to be able to read together from the books that were inside. I know the children really enjoy having a real book to read.
Some of the children have tried and done some of the activities for Chinese language week. Kody drew a zodiac sign, and made a fan while in bubble class at school. A few of the children tried and did some origami.
They are really enjoying the variety of activities that they can choose from. Take a look at some of the other cool activities they have been doing. Gardening, Making paper chains, lego, and painting.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Students working hard:
The lockdown days for us continues and so does the work for the children at home. The children continue to work hard. They work on core subjects as well as using the time to be creative and do learning activities in a different way. Check out some of the awesome activities they have done at home from Maori art, cooking, lego and construction. keep up the amazing learning guys.
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Lockdown stories
As a writing activity the children were asked to create a lockdown story. They had free choice on how they presented this story. There were to include activities that they had done over the time. Their work, zooms, creative learning activites were included and family time. It was great to see some of them from students who have finished this activity. Others are still working on them. They look amazing and I am super proud of the work they have done. Room 7 have such an amazing variety of presentaions.