We are a Y3-4 class who share our learning by being confident, creative, collaborative, respectful, responsible and resilient.
Email: htipelu@newwindsor.school.nz
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Matariki Art
Before heading back to the education room to do their art the children walked down a really cool staricase, fromt the bottom the children said that it looked kind of like an eye. We were then shown a display made by children out of clay, before having a quick break and a biscuit to eat Then it was off to be creative. The children had an amazing time as they continued their learning about Matariki. ( The Maori new year ) They sketched a draft of what they would like to see on their star and the got to scratch out of cold wax their final peice. Some really talanted children in room 3. The final pieces are hanging in the classroom. Come on in and have a look at the wonderful creations.
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