We are a Y3-4 class who share our learning by being confident, creative, collaborative, respectful, responsible and resilient.
Email: htipelu@newwindsor.school.nz
The children are still enjoying lunch in the sun. The rubber safety mat under the playgroud is nice and warm to sit on. Not sure how much longer the children will be able to sit outside and have lunch with their friends from room 1 and 2. So for now we will make the most of the fine weather.
Wow, was the reaction from the children as they finished off their art today. We had a look at what the earth looks like. Then talked about the colours of the earth and water. They were given free choice if they wanted to use either felts or pencils to colour the earth. We praticed using our scissor skill and cut out our earth and pasted it on to the our star backgroud. Finally stuck our stars on to our work and elevated the moon to make it stand out. They are awesome and the children and myself are really happy with the final result.
Today the children had their last futsal session. ( indoor soccer ) Over the last couple of weeks, they have learnt and praticed many different skills that are needed to play the game. Learning how to control the ball has been one of the major things they have learnt. A lot of coordination is needed as well as concentration. It was a great opportunity to work together and communicate with your team member as well as having fun along the way.
The sun was shinning today, so in the afternoon the children got out and enjoyed some quatily time in the sandpit, We used our fingers and wrote our name in the sand, explored the texture of the sand. Talked about what it felt like, was it hot, cold, wet, dry, rought or smooth and then built a tower or what ever we liked. It was a great experience and the children really enjoyed it. There was lots of oral discussion while the children played. Some of the children had to problem solve as they worked in small groups, while others chose to work by themsleves.
Friday afternoon the awesome children had to opportunity to experience Play Ball with some outside coaches. They played some super fun games and the children had a great time. They were learning and playing at the same time, some ofthe skill they praticed were jumping, catching, running, listening,interacting and working together. I was amazed at how high some of the girls could jump. It was great to be outside after some of the wet weather we had been having.
We have lots of fun and get lots of time to pratice our fine motor skills. We use chopsticks, pegs, stones, toothpicks, do weaving, and lots more. The children just love been able to explore different areas and pratice their skill
Wednesday mornings is a great chance for room 1, 2 and 3 to get together. They have Matua Jarrod come into the class and teach the children some lovely Waiata and action songs, The children really enjoy this experience and love it when Matua puts on his face when they do the haka.